Velocity is not your average medical and training facility. We are the winner of the Patients Choice Award because we believe, no matter your age or fitness level, everyone should get the same treatment as a professional athlete. So, whether you need treatment for an injury or you and/or your team need the training to conquer the next season…Velocity is the TRUE multidisciplinary facility you’re looking for.
Our practitioners and our team of rehabilitation specialists in Burlington, ON, & Mississauga, ON, are experts in their perspective fields including sports medicine physicians, sports specialist chiropractors, physiotherapists, registered massage therapists, strength and conditioning specialists, and exercise physiologists.
Regardless of your age or performance level, we work together to provide you with all of the necessary skills to recover from an injury or achieve peak performance in your chosen activity.

Velocity - Velocity Sports Medicine and Training Centre

4200 Fairview Street, Unit B1-B, Burlington, ON, L7L 4Y8

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